Find interesting information and opinion on the fitness industry
ChatGPT as a personal trainer?
Some people are starting to use ChatGPT instaed of a trainer
How exercise can help combat stress, anxiety and depression
Exercise can have a positive effect
Fitness trends to excite you for 2023
The annual ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® worldwide survey
Tips to help you get moving again after an Omicron infection
Gentle, easy to do exercises
When is the best time to exercise?
This interesting article from Big Think reveals what scientists have found
ACSM Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2022
Nearly two years of the pandemic have impacted this list
What Happens To Your Body If You Don't Stretch After Exercise
Your muscles and joints still need some TLC
Music Can Boost Exercise Motivation Says Fresh Research
Even on Tough Days, Music Can Boost Exercise Motivation, Study Suggests
Group Exercise May be Even Better For You Than Solo Workouts – here’s why
Group exercise is very popular: nearly 40% of regular exercisers participate
Why You Might Not Really Need 8 Glasses of Water Per Day?
Exercising can increase your need to drink water, but don't overdo it.
CDC Recommends Steps To Prevent COVID-19 Spread At Gyms
The recommendations include measures many gyms are now taking
Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2021
Check it out to see what's new and different for the next 12 months.
I want to know if it is safe to go back to the gym?
5 Things to Remember When Returning to the Gym After COVID-19.
Warming up isn’t optional, in fact it’s optimal
It was out of fashion for a while but we still believe that it's important
5 exercises to offset too much sitting
Maybe you're working from home or you're in forced isolation - don't let this current normal play havoc with your body
The 15 Biggest Exercise Myths
Our busy lives get in the way, & misconceptions about exercise don’t make things any easier.
2020 worldwide survey of fitness trends
ACSM’s annual survey of worldwide fitness trends is now in its 14th year