I want to know if it is safe to go back to the gym?
I want to know if it is safe to go back to the gym?
5 Things to Remember When Returning to the Gym After COVID-19.
In this article from Shannon Fable at ACE she looks at 5 important things to consider when going back to the gym safely after COVID-19.
Shannon says"There’s no question that health and wellness are essential, and for many, the gym is central in obtaining and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing. COVID-19 forced many exercise enthusiasts to consider life outside the four walls of their local clubs. While many have found new ways to get moving, others are desperate to get back to the gym. If that sounds like you and you are lucky enough to have the opportunity, here are five things to keep in mind when you head back to your gym or health club."
1. Do Your Research
2. Consider Covering Up
3. Be Time and Space Conscious
4. Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize
5. Consider the Risk and Alternatives
The overall message is: exercise good judgment and do what's right for you.
You can read the article here and access more excellent information from ACE at the same site.
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COVID-19 here.