ACSM Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2022
ACSM Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2022
Nearly two years of the pandemic have impacted this list
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) offers its annual projection of what's hot & what's out of favour for us in the upcoming year.
Wearable tech claimed the number one spot - for better or for worse, HIIT recedes to seventh place and streaming/online workouts drop down the list to number 9.
A worried world wanting to more closely monitor their health data and share their performance stats online with virtual coaches helps explain the number one spot whilst HIIT is generally falling out of fashion as the 'go to' solution for everyone.
The decline in popularity of online workouts is a combination of an expectation of a return to onsite participation and a recognition that when you have no choice, something is better than nothing but most are so dire that people quit them as soon as they have the opportunity to do so.
You can check the publication from ACSM here.