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'Fat but fit' is a myth when it comes to heart health, new study shows

'Fat but fit' is a myth when it comes to heart health, new study shows

An active lifestyle can't cancel out the negative effects of excess body fat 

New reporting from CNN explodes the myth that you cannot be 'fat and healthy.' "Previous studies had suggested that being physically fit could mitigate the negative effects of being overweight on heart health, but this is not the case, according to a new study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)". 

Researchers used data from 527,662 working adults from Spain insured by an occupational risk prevention company, with an average age of 42. "Exercise does not seem to compensate for the negative effects of excess weight.  

This finding was also observed overall in both men and women when they were analysed separately." says study author Alejandro Lucia, a professor of exercise physiology at the European University of Madrid. Read the CNN article here

'Fat but fit' is a myth when it comes to heart health, new study shows

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